Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Are You Unemployed Due to a Recent Layoff? You May be Eligible for Free Tuition at Triton College

Triton College has received $1.6 million funding for training programs funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. These funds are awarded through POET from the U.S. Department of Labor and are managed as part of the Workforce Investment Act.

The funding allows Triton to provide training to dislocated workers and assist with their placement in sustainable wage employment upon completion of their training period. Both credit and noncredit certificate programs are represented in the menu of training programs available. Training programs are available in health, technology, hospitality, and green jobs. Participant assessment will help applicants identify training areas that align with their needs and career interests. All participants will receive training in Microsoft Office programs, as computer literacy is an increasing requirement in the workplace. All participants will also be assessed for and receive the National Career Readiness Certificate. This is an employability certificate that demonstrates to prospective employers the participant's competence-level in work-related core areas.

Here is a list of majors that program participants can enroll in at Triton as part of this program:

* Accounting Clerk
* Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
* Entry-level Baker/Asst. Pastry Chef Pastry
* Cook/Chef
* Engineering Tech. Design Certificates
* Financial Services/ Quick-books Specialists
* Medical Administrative Assistant
* Medical Billing & Coding Specialist
* Pharmacy Technician
* Phlebotomy Technician
* Office Technology Specialist
(Microsoft Office)
* Web Developer/ Webmaster
* Energy Auditor Technician
* Welding
* Dialysis Technician
* Project Management

For more information, please call the Triton College TRAC Office at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3331.

Think Quality, Think Triton -

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