Thursday, June 10, 2010

Triton College Congratulates English as a Second Language Class of 2010

Triton College held its annual commencement ceremony for graduates of the Adult Education Department's English as a Second Language (ESL) Program May 27 at the Robert M. Collins Center Auditorium.
Approximately 175 students representing more than 60 countries made up the graduating class. To be considered for graduation, the students successfully completed the level 5 courses in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Many students will transfer to college, working towards a degree or certificate. Others have already earned degrees from their native countries and are looking to go back to their current career or use the skills gained in the program to start a new career.
Triton College President Dr. Patricia Granados addressed the graduates during the ceremony.
"This commencement is just the beginning of many great things," Granados said. "We are very proud of all of your accomplishments and hope to see many of you back here at Triton College to help achieve your educational goals."
Mireya Vera, Community Service Director for Westlake Community Hospital in Melrose Park, delivered the keynote address. Vera challenged the graduates to decide on what is important to them as they move on in their lives.
"I know it has not been easy learning a new language and thank you for being role models, not only for our children, but our community," Vera said. "However I want you to think about what is meaningful to you. Where would you like to be five or even 10 years from now?"
Dr. Granados along with ESL Director Brigitte Oltmanns presented the certificates to all the graduates. Triton Board of Trustees Secretary Diane Viverito, Trustee Glenn Stam and Student Trustee Isiah Brandon were in attendance to award the trustee scholarship recipients. In addition, the second class of Triton ESL students was inducted to the National Adult Education Honor Society (NAEHS).
Triton joined the NAEHS in June of 2008 and the eight students recognized were awarded a certificate and letters of recommendation for employment and financial aid.
One of the NAEHS inductees was Maryna Gorbatiuk of Riverside. Gorbatiuk, a native of Ukraine, reflected positively on her experience with Triton's ESL Program.
"I want to give appreciation to all my teachers," Gorbatiuk said. "I learned a lot and most importantly know how to communicate with my fellow American classmates. I thank Triton College for giving us all the opportunity for a great future."

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