Thursday, July 15, 2010

13th Annual Triton Foundation Golf Outing a Huge Success

On June 24, the Triton College Foundation hosted the 13th Annual Open Golf Outing at White Pines Golf Club in Bensenville.
A beautiful day of sunshine and perfect temperatures allowed golfers to enjoy 18 holes of golf, lunch, dinner and prizes. The Foundation had one of the biggest turnouts in the history of the outing and raised more than $44,000, making this the best year in the event's history!
A foursome from UPS had the best score on the East course. With 7 under par David Kim, Stefond Harris, David Morgeson and Mike Kish were the winners of the best ball tournament. On the West course, with a score of 11 under par, a foursome from Dental Practice Development Group was victorious. The group, from Naperville, consisted of Len Vihnanek, Jeff Vihnanek, Ron Whitney and Mike Nardella.
Prizes were also guaranteed from Rizza Ford for hole-in-ones. Though no one at the golf outing was able to sink a hole-in-one on the designated holes, had they made one, they would have received a two year lease on a Ford Mustang.
All proceeds from the 13th Annual Triton Foundation Open Golf Outing benefited the Triton Foundation Scholarship Fund.
For more information about how to become a member, or to participate in future events, please contact the Triton College Foundation at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3758.
Think Quality, Think Triton -

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